Stay home and keep crafting & sewing!

In the space of just a few months our world has been turned upside down and inside out. I hope you’re all managing to stay safe and well and if you’re one of those having to stay out there, keeping the world from falling apart completely, our thoughts are with you to stay well.

On a lighter note, I’m taking the time to learn some new crafts which I’ve been wanting to do for ages but just never seem to find the time for or motivation. So, with the help of a good book and YouTube tutorials, I’ve now learnt to crochet! Love it but geez!!… it was a bit (hugely!) fiddly and frustrating to get the hang of!

I’m also working on some new downloadable, bag-making patterns for my Etsy shop. I’ve been gradually adding to my fabric stash over the last few months and this gave me the motivation to get designing again, after quite a long break from it. So I’ve made this new handbag, the Lotta Handbag…

…and this new baby/toddler carry-all bag, the Jungle Friends Nappy Bag.

I’m in the process of working on finalising these tutorials and will be releasing the new bag patterns for them very soon. Watch this space!